• Math

    Test Coin2

    https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2033370/how-to-determine-the-number-of-coin-tosses-to-identify-one-biased-coin-from-anot/2033739#2033739   Suppose there are two coins and the percentage that each coin flips a Head is \(p\) and \(q\), respectively. \(p, q \in [0,1] \), \(p \neq q \), and the values are given and known. If you are free to flip one of the coins any number of times, how many times \(n\) do you have to flip the coin to decide with some significance level \( \left( \textrm{say } \alpha = 0.05 \right) \) that it’s the \(p\) coin or the \(q\) coin that you’ve been flipping? The distribution of heads after \(n\) flips for a coin will be a binomial distribution with means at \(pn\) and…